St.Thomas CSI Church Belfast, United Kingdom
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him
shall not perish but have eternal life" John 3:16
St Thomas CSI Church Belfast - Guidelines for the CHRISTMAS Carol Service Saturday 11th December @ 11:30 am
Please be note the following guidelines for in person 2021 Carol Service
Anyone showing any of symptoms of COVID-19 must not attend the place of worship under any circumstances due to the risk that they pose to others.
Anyone who has been advised to self-isolate and anyone who is self-isolating in line with travel regulations, must stay at home and must not attend the place of worship for the full recommended period of self-isolation (regardless of whether or not they have symptoms).
Face coverings must still be worn at any other activity taking place in a building, including carols.
Should stay at least one metre apart and should not have close contact with anyone outside of their household.
On entering and leaving the building everyone should wash or sanitise their hands. There will be signs and posters to encourage hand hygiene as well as hand sanitiser in multiple locations within the Drumbeg Parish Church hall.
Drumbeg Parish asked us to note the attendee information (name and phone number) of the attendees for contact tracing purposes.
Due to the tighter regulations limit the sharing of any items for the carol Service.
Prior Service guidelines
St Thomas CSI Church Church Committee has taken a decision to return to the in person Holy Communion service on Saturday 12th June 2021 @ 11:30 am at the Drumbeg Parish hall. In order to prepare for the service we are taking all cares as per the Drumbeg Church rules & Northern Ireland government regulations and directives.
All families/Individuals must fill the below survey questions before attending the Service.
- Face Coverings must be worn inside the building and when entering and existing. Face covering exemptions also apply. This does not apply to the person leading worship and for anyone under the age of 13.
- On entering and leaving a place of worship, everyone should sanitise their hands.
- Anyone showing any of symptoms of covid-19 (a new continuous cough, a fever/high temperature, or a loss, or change in, their normal sense of taste and smell) must not attend their place of worship under any circumstances due to the risk that pose to others.
- Anyone who has been advised to self-isolate by the contact tracing service or the StopCOVID NI app, and anyone who is self-isolating in line with travel regulations, must stay at home and must not attend their place of worship for the full recommended period of self-isolation (regardless of whether or not they have symptoms).
- Worshippers should stay at least two metres apart and should not have close contact with anyone outside of their household or support bubble. Families who live together in one household sit together without social distancing during the entire service.
- Singing, readings and response to the prayers are only allowed to the assigned individuals only.
- A record of the names and the contact numbers of those who attend the service will be kept on the records for future purposes.
- Bring your own worship book or Bible.
- No offerings will be taken during the service but encouraging the offertory and special covers donations by bank transfers stating the unique identification number. If anyone requires the unique identification number please contact Mr Joby Thomas, Treasurer.
- All must adhere to the strict timings for the Service start time and leaving the building.
- Everyone should be seated before the start time.
- Respect the guidelines and follow the Drumbeg Parish Church instructions.
- Keep the movement inside the building and during the service to minimum.
- No Tea/Coffee or refreshments will be served after the service.
For more information please read the NI regulations.
Please respond to the below survey questions